Tag: error

Exception in Microsoft Teams Channel created using Power Automate / Graph API “Folder location for this channel is not ready yet, please try again later”

I was automating Teams private channel creation using Power Automate, and faced the below error when I tried to access the channel’s file location via graph API.

Folder location for this channel is not ready yet, please try again later

The Issue

Yes, the folder location is not automatically provisioned when a channel is created, because the SharePoint site will get created only when you hit Files tab from the UI after Channel creation.

This is by design.


Executing the graph query /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/filesFolder on the private channel can mimic the files tab action from UI. However, it may not work on the first attempt, and will return a 404 response, you may have to try 3-5 times. So we need to use a catch for first attempt and then loop it until the the graph call succeeds. Please see the bow image for reference.

You can find the documentation for filesFolder request here. This issue exist for standard channels (Non-Private) as well. However, for standard channels, you only need to call the filesFolder request only once.

Hope this helps!!!

PowerAutomate: Teams Connector Fails to List TimeZones

Connector error saying cannot list timezones.

Recently, I faced a strange issue, I was trying to create teams meeting using cloud flow, and the connector’s create meeting step was not listing timezone and not allowing me to set timezone as a custom dynamic value. It was also giving a retrieval error message as shown below.

Could not retrieve values. The dynamic invocation request failed with error: {
  "error": {
    "code": "ResourceNotFound",
    "message": "Resource could not be discovered.",
    "innerError": {
      "date": "2021-10-28T11:49:20",
      "request-id": "a0e7df5f-d119-4534-a8c3-5332e6f8b906",
      "client-request-id": "a0e7df5f-d119-4534-a8c3-5332e6f8b906"

The Issue

I was testing this using a service account, and this was working fine for my user account. I was sure from the beginning itself that it was going to be some permission issue. However, I had no idea what permission I should look for. Finally, I managed to find that teams and other Microsoft applications use the Outlook Graph APIS to retrieve timezones and languages. I tried calling the APIs using the service account and I could replicate the error response. Now, it’s clear that the user is missing the required permissions to call outlook graph APIs.

The Fix

I am not so proficient with outlook and I raised this concern with our internal outlook team and they fixed this issue. What I could gather from them is that, the service account’s online office mailbox was not correctly enabled , which then they enabled with proper permissions. If you face similar issue, checking the mailbox permissions could save you a few hours 🙂

Hope this helps.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is behaving weird!!! (Common troubleshooting tips)

Sometimes your on-premise CRM system will show, some weird behaviors like workflows are not executing / plugins are not working / data imports are failing without any data issues etc…

I have faced certain issues like the entire system is not working , system will  show error messages without any logs, the only message it  displays is “an error has occurred”.

Following are the common issues you can check in such situations.

Ensure CRM Asynchronous services are running

From the server Administrative Tools select Services, and if the CRM Asynchronous services are not running ensure to start the services (if the Asynchronous  services are not running CRM will stop working).

Ensure CRM Sandbox services are running

From the server Administrative Tools select Services, and if the CRM Sandbox services are not running ,please start the services. If the Sandbox services are not running CRM will stop working or the normal system jobs will fail without showing any valid errors .

Check IIS

Ensure the following in IIS

CRM application pool and CRM  website are up. Try browsing the CRM website from IIS.

Make sure your SQL server and Reporting services are up

Ensure your local machine time is in sync with the server time 

This may sound funny but trust me this simple point can save your many productive hours.

Recently my system failed to  perform certain operations and I wasn’t able to connect the Xrm tools too. When I debugged I got the keyword “past time” , then I identified that the server time was different from my local machine.

If you have tried all the above steps and still you are not able to identify the issue,please check the server event viewer this may give you some details regarding the failure.

Hope this helps!!!…  🙂