Activity Summary Pro

So busy with year ending and 2020 plans. AsvI promised “The pro version will be released in two months”, I have to release the pro version today. Really sorry for the poor CSS, am actually bad at styling stuffs 😦 . But you can always improve the style and features in the Github, any updates are appreciated. Here is the github repo link.

New features added.

  • Click on Activity Name to Expand the list.
  • View activities as a chart
  1. Get the unmanaged solution file  Here
  2. Import the solution to your organization.
  3. Create a view with the required filters. If you do not require the control to consider certain activity types, you can exclude them in your view filter. The control will consider only the records returned by the view selected.
  4. Add sub-grid to the form with the created view.
  5. Add Activity Summary control to the sub-grid.
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Note: If you need to exclude certain activity types, apply the same logic in the view filter.

Special mentions

Hari Narayanan Kumar for his Activity Analyzer which helped me to include the chart easily.

Andrew Butenko for his quick repleys and answers in the power users community 🙂

Happy New Year, let this be the year of Power Users

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